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Lip Blush and Body Sculpting Class

Everyone wants to be young and beautiful forever. However, past a certain age, it either requires a lot of work or a lot of money. Going into business as an aesthetician means you need to take the proper classes to become certified so that you don’t harm your patients. OC Safety offers many of these courses, including lip blushing and body sculpting. OC Safety classes are offered all year long, and you should sign up soon to avoid missing out on your spot.

What Classes Are Taught Where Lip Blushing and Body Sculpting Are Concerned?

Lip blushing is the permanent tattooing of color onto the lips. It creates the perfect pout that never really needs lipstick, and most of your clients will probably be women. Since the face and head are very vascular and you would be using a tattoo needle, you should know how to control bleeding and protect yourself and your client against bloodborne pathogens. Our OC Safety classes provide this necessary instruction, ultimately providing you with an OC Safety certification for these health and safety risks.

Body contouring has its own set of risks. There are five different approaches to reducing pockets of fat all over the body, and many of them can cause bruising. It’s important to know when and how to recognize a negative reaction to the contouring process. It’s also important to know how to treat a client for body contouring negative side effects. With your certification, you can provide your clients with peace of mind about where their procedures are concerned.

How OC Safety Certification Benefits Your Profession

Clients come to you looking to look their best. They rarely consider the potential side effects or ask about medical health issues. Yet, it only takes one bad session to undo an aesthetician career.

Getting safety certifications under your belt means that you can offer clients the best possible outcomes from their lip blushing and body contouring procedures. You can offer them the guarantee of medical safety and adequate first aid if something does go wrong (even though it shouldn’t because these classes show you how to avoid such issues). It provides you and your clients with peace of mind.

Don’t provide your services until you have safety certifications onboard. Contact OC Safety to sign up for applicable courses today.

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